Kit Design Tutorial for BeginnersHere

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thanks Oakleighman, it's carnival time
5 - Tombot3 - Aegon1 - Rabbi
Very classy looking suspenders, I mean bracers.
Balloons all over the place.Nice design SB.
Outstanding kit 👌🏻👌🏻What a great details 🔥🔥
the colour overlay adds depth and texture
very smart and classy
Tombot 13 days ago AFC Ajax
I prefer this to the new (old) badge they have revealed.This combines the best parts of both of the badges.
the overlay pattern is cool and works well
the bracers design works well.
good choice of team and carnival concept. The minimalist approach is classy.
very carnival, very Wien. Good work.
thank you, Olga. The two team's badges have their similarities. I chose the typeface because it is a fun one that went with the carnival theme.
Apart from that weird and strange button a beeeeauty !
Well, congratulations to @adilamalik on the victory, well deserved 🏆💪And thanks for holding the competition, it was great fun.

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